Palmer and Sons: $159 for Hands-on 3-hour Sourdough Bread Baking Workshop for Two or $315 for Four People (Up to 34% Off)

Today’s Groupon Vancouver Daily Deal of the Day: Palmer and Sons: $159 for Hands-on 3-hour Sourdough Bread Baking Workshop for Two or $315 for Four People (Up to 34% Off)

Buy now from only $159
Value $240
Discount 34% Off

About This Deal

Beginner-friendly and expertly crafted lessons on home baking with heritage techniques, taught by someone whose heart has been in food for the last 30 years

Become the breadmaker ( or rather breadwinner) for your family after learning the art of high-quality sourdough baking techniques without the need for any previous skills.

What We Offer

Sourdough 3-hour class for 2 or 4 People
Lesson Structure

Hour 1: Understand what makes a sourdough, the levain culture, storing, refreshing, and using your culture

Hour 2: Working through the various stages of weighing the ingredients, mixing your dough by hand, and fermentation.

Hour 3: Shaping loaves, and baking the bread using Dutch ovens

NOTE: If dates end up with less than 5 students, 48 hrs before class, then they reserve the right to cancel that class

Why You Should Grab The Offer

Palmer and Sons, nestled in a lovely loft, located in the heart of downtown Vancouver, BC is known to teach wanna-be, intermediary, or advanced chefs the right and practical skills for making high-quality Artisan Pasta, Japanese-style Ramen Noodles, or Sourdough Bread at home. Their method, brought together by researching various published contemporary and historic breadmaking methods, typically has a 24-hour cycle.

Typically, they start the bread-baking process on Friday evening and have fresh bread to eat on Saturday early evening. They specifically built this method around your busy lives, so that you can have the best bread possible and not be too tied down to your kitchens. The lessons are 100% hands-on and no machines are used during the baking. The lesson has no more than 6 students and each student will work on two small loaves to take home. You don’t need any previous skills, just a burning desire to make your own sourdough.

Some Essential Questions & Answers

Q1. What do you need?

Ans: Not much, just a watertight medium-sized glass jar or 500ml mason jar for your starter. They will provide a container for your bread dough to take home. Just remember it’s food, so super clean hands, tied-back hair, or a baseball cap, and please don’t attend the classes if you are at all ill. Get ready to soak up a ton of information, though everything is covered in handouts too

Q2. What will you get?

Ans: A lot of knowledge and confidence. An understanding of breadmaking the sourdough way, and of Dutch oven use. A chunk of fresh sourdough. Your own two loaves of sourdough to take home and bake. A ready-to-use sourdough levain culture with in-depth instructions on how to keep it alive

Q3. Who will teach you?

Ans: Either the main chef with over 12 years experience or a local professional baker and total foodie with 10 years experience at a local businesses. Most importantly they love bread

Class Terms & Conditions

This is a limited time offer while quantities last so don’t miss out!

Click here to buy now or for more details about the deal.

Fine Print
Promotional value expires 120 days after purchase. Amount paid never expires. Limit 1 per person. Merchant is solely responsible to purchasers for the care and quality of the advertised goods and services. Offer is not eligible for our promo codes or other discounts. Learn about Strike-Through Pricing and Savings

Palmer and Sons
857 Beatty Street, Vancouver, BC V6B 2M6

Click here to buy now or for more information about the deal. Don’t miss out!